
Monday, November 26, 2012

Pre-Feasting: The Cheese

I will spare you the picture of our mangled (yet delicious) bird. He (or she?) was not the star of this years Thanksgiving feast. Not for me at least.

This year it was all about the cheese. 

Thanksgiving began with an 11 mile run. I admit, it was a little excessive, but I just had the energy that day. And the motivation. I knew what was awaiting my arrival home: hors d'oeuvres.

Hosting Thanksgiving is a gift in itself. Spending the days prior to the feast cooking, food talking, and Michael Buble listening with my Mom is bliss. And as if quality mother-daughter time at home isn't enough, she takes me to Whole Foods where we giddily splurge on the most glorious things... namely the cheese.

I was so enthusiastic about having a little cheese tasting bar this year that I made little menu cards and crackers. Watch out Martha.

We had velvety Humboldt Fog. Tart, smooth chèvre in the center with thick brie-like exterior.

La Tur, what I find to be the goddess of all cheese. Who knew a buttery blend of sheep, goat, and cows milk could be so sensational. I melt a little inside when I eat it: sheer happiness.  

And, to satisfy my Pops, the hard cheese lover, we had Holandese Gouda Creme. I am so used to having smoked gouda that this was a pleasant surprise. It was so thick. I feel like Wallace and Gromet would like this kind of cheese.

I didn't get shots of the other cheese, but my aunt brought a creamy tuscano that was equally as wonderful. It was like eating a smoother and slightly softer parmesan. 

I also have an inviting round of Purple Haze Chèvre that I cannot wait to try and tell you about. It is infused with lavender! 

Have you had any fancy or humble cheeses lately? There is a whole blog block of parmesan begging me to do something with it. Any ideas? 

Hope your Thanksgiving was wonderful and filling in body and spirit :)

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